Press & News

Yeniasir - April

Gunes’s shadows are coming to Izmir.

Mag Magazine - March

Gunes Caglarcan’s 3rd solo exhibition Neurotic Emotions being held in Ankara.

Okan University - February

A little bit of art, a little bit of life, we meet with a sweet and sincere conversation at 27th of February.

Mag Magazine - December

“Regardless of culture, age or country, art lovers sincerely feel and listen to the emotions I share.”

be Man Magazine - December

“Interview about Shadows Collection and its inner Journey.”

TRT World: A journey into Türkiye’s art scene

Art Business News - November

“Meet the Artist”

Mag Magazine - April

“Everything starts with a dream.”

Güneş Çağlarcan Mag Dergisi Ocak Sayısında

Mag Magazine - January

“Internalized stories”

Haber3 Interview - April

“I was amazed by the unifying power of art”

RTK Live - Shadows Installation

First "Shadows" Festival Held in Pristina